Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's the little things that make you smile...

Truly, I could care less about a fancy car or expensive clothes as long as I have my family. Nothing makes me happier and I can't get enough of my boys! Right now Taven is at a great age. When we ask for a kiss he puckers up and giggles until we plant one on him. When I come home from work Rylen has a sweet smile and I tear up every time. When we ask Taven to get his shoes he tries to say it while he marches over to get them. Rylen smiles every time I talk to him! Today I came home from school to find Trent vacuuming (with the shop vac), the house was spotless, and Taven was following Trent around with a broom. Taven calls me Mommy now! He is also in LOVE with his "nu nu", aka stuffed cow. He will be playing in his toy box and spot "nu nu" and immediately go over to it and love on it while sucking his thumb... I am so happy to know that we are all healthy and even happier to know that next year, Rylen will be this age. When your kids are a year apart you totally have an appreciation of how fast things go and love every moment!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Taven's Talking!

Taven's Talking!

Meet Rylen Hunter Clancy

Rylen is here. He came September 18th, 2009 and weighed 6 lbs 1 oz. He was 19 in long and looks similar to his "big" brother Taven. He is such a good baby! He only fusses a little bit when he gets hungry and at night is already giving me good sleep after 1 week of age. Last night I only woke up once! (They are both up and awake at 6a.m. however...)

Taven turned 1 on the 13th and is trying to talk all the time. At his check up he weighed 21 lbs 4 oz and was 30 in tall. Enjoy the photos!

Taven pulled every book off the shelf and you would have thought he was looking for a specific book. He just kept skimming them and grabbing another.

Taven gets on his fire truck Trent and I got him and he is so proud of himself. Soon he will learn that he could be riding it around the house...

Taven LOVES to vacuum!

Pushing his friend Reece around in his Tonka truck!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It has been a while, I know

Here are some fun photos from the past few months. Taven is walking now. He started army crawling at just about 8 months, really crawling at 9 months, at that time he also started pulling himself up on things and with no warning at all has mastered walking by 10 months...Don't get me wrong, he still walks with his hands in the air and falls a bit but he is definitely a walker. Crazy! We are so excited that Taven is soon to be a big brother. We have had such a good time watching Taven grow in this short year and we are thrilled to do it all over again. Rylen Hunter will be here by September 19th, which is my due date. If he does not come on his own and as long as my blood pressure remains stable, I will be induced on September 16th. I am nervous about going through labor again but am keeping my eye on the prize...healthy baby boy, healthy Clancy family.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun!

Taven is such a big boy now. He has a predictable schedule and is a VERY happy boy. Come September he will be turning 1 and will be getting a sibling. SURPRISE! It will be hard work but as Trent says, we won't know any differnt. I love my weekends with my family and cannot wait until summer when I can be with him more. Being a working mom is hard. He is eating solid foods now and tries to talk all the time. He has a completely contagious laugh. Trent and I are so lucky and we feel lucky again that things so far a looking good and healthy.

Friday, January 2, 2009

I love the holidays!

Well, the holidays are over and it was better than ever. We have the best present ever, a healthy baby and healthy family. These are some photos taken with the Clancy side of the family. I still need to upload more photos and will get to that soon. I can't believe how much fun we had and how fast it went! Thank you to the Finnegan's for hosting us for 4 days and of course to Colleen and the Greens for good food and company but mostly to our parents for your amazing generosity. We are so lucky!